Hollie Poole


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ATAR: 99.50
University: Curtin
"With previous experience in these ATAR courses, I am able to help students learn the basics, keep up with the pace of the class, or extend them further. As a former GATE student, I am equally equipped to help students in this entry test, as well as performing in GATE classes."

Suburbs: 📍 Churchlands 📍 Dalkeith 📍 Herdsman 📍 Karrinyup 📍 Osborne Park 📍 Scarborough 📍 Wembley 📍 Doubleview 📍 Floreat 📍 Innaloo 📍 Shenton Park 📍 Subiaco 📍 Wembley Downs 📍 Woodlands
Subjects: 📑 ATAR Chemistry, 📑 ATAR French: Second Language, 📑 ATAR Mathematics Methods, 📑 ATAR Mathematics Specialist, 📑 Primary School Maths, 📑 GATE Quantitative Reasoning, 📑 GATE Abstract Reasoning,

Lessons must be discussed with tutors before booking.

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1 hr Package

Discount: 0% Rate: $70.0/hr

5 hr Package

Discount: 10% Rate: $63.0/hr

10 hr Package

Discount: 15% Rate: $60.0/hr